Sunday, 28 June 2020

Sunday adventure hook: Out, Out Brief Candle

Out, Out Brief Candle

Inspired by my birthday on Friday... and Happy Death Day...

Someone interrupts the Stranger’s birthday to kill her.

And as she dies, she realises that this happened on her last birthday as well. She sends the rest of the travellers back there.

And they see her die again. And she sends them back another year...

“What do you get for the woman who has everything? Or could potentially due to the time and space machine she lives in?”
“Right now I’m thinking Kevlar.”

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Sunday adventure hook: Days’ Father

Days’ Father

Because Father’s Day has been done...

The founding of a calendar, and just what does it count up to? What do its ancient devisers know that we don’t?

And indeed, why is our New Year a week and a bit after a solstice? And why do we have a Roman month calendar, so many Norse god days of the week and an ancient Greek Zodiac?

“But the world didn’t end in 2012!”
“Yeah, funny story...”

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Sunday adventure hook: The Onyx Path

The Onyx Path

In honour of this weekend’s Onyx Path Virtual Convnion, and if Chris Chibnall can call a two-parter Spyfall...

A world under a blue-grey sun, the one new construction since some unspoken disaster is a gleaming black pathway leading... where?

“Why are we going this way?”
“It’s so shiny!”

Monday, 8 June 2020

Wibbly Wobbly Dicey Wicey

Wibbly Wobbly Dicey Wicey, a Who RPG podcast from Ryan Blake, via episode one guest Siskoid. (Other episode one guests include C7...)

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Sunday adventure hook: Decline And Fall

Decline And Fall

Visiting a student traveller’s university, the stranger notices a European history syllabus covering he usual - Greece, Rome, Carthage, Second Carthage, the Carthaginian Pontifex...

“Why are there elephants around Nelson’s Column?”