Saturday 22 June 2024

And we did get three episodes in a row on at the same time. But come on.

Empire Of Death

Empire Of Death (6.40 pm)

Do you have the spoons to save all existence?

Ah, it’s a bit The Mummy (2017) with the ancient Egyptian adversary god loosing a killer dust storm in London, but mostly...

Saturday 8 June 2024


Rogue (6:45)

Second of the heavily promoted and spoiled episode, bounces along much as expected and I absolutely don’t mind.

Kind of annoyed that after dropping a D&D reference they called the Chuldur plan cosplay and not, more correctly, LARP.

Delighted otherwise.

(Yes it’s very The Girl In The Fireplace, so?)

Tuesday 4 June 2024

William Russell

William Russell, as Ian Chesterton, the first hero this series has.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Dot And Bubble

Dot And Bubble (6.50 p.m.)

Kids these days with their phones and their Snapchats and their dance videos... And their circles they don’t let other people in... Oh.