Saturday 25 May 2024

73 Yards

73 Yards (6.50 p.m.)

A Doctor-lite episode!

Also the second in a row that hinges on the Doctor putting his foot in it.

Otherwise quite different.

And a beneficiary of not knowing about it - I was well thrown when it stopped being An American Werewolf In London, and then went to, well, London.


Mum, no!

Kate, no!

Ruby, YES! Good work my lass. And a relief when she got to swing back into action rather than just playing out her ruined life.

See also The Curse Of Clyde Langer, Oh Whistle And I’ll Come To You, My LadIt Follows, and The Dead Zone.

And as per Unleashed, we’ll never know what the woman said. Best guess: “Don’t you think she looks tired?” (Unless Davies is lying to hide a future reveal, which is entirely possible.)

Also also, Ruby noticed Susan Twist.

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