Sunday, 15 February 2015


As noted by Ian Watson, Fifty years ago today, this great symbol was first unveiled and made official. Happy anniversary to the Maple Leaf.

A fiftieth anniversary seems a fitting time to look at Canada in the Whoniverse once more.

Noted commentator Derek lives in and blogs about the Mysteries Of Montreal, in a level of detail that you could set a game there (quite possibly a Call of Cthulhu game) as well as dropping in briefly. (Edit: a new post on the flag!)

Born and raised Canadian Siskoid has commented at length about representation of Canada in various settings, like national superheroes and teams.

Thoughts on a good moment in Canadian history for the TARDIS to visit?


  1. how did I not know Derek had an RPG blog

    1. Lol, cos I kept it well hidden, at least until there was something of interest on it! ;)

  2. I find it completely weird that the maple leaf flag is only 50 years old. I guess it's just one of those things you take for granted in Europe, that your flag's history is pretty old. I mean, 50 years isn't that much older than me, at least in flag years!

    1. Yeah - it makes me wonder what other countries would have as their flag if it had been designed in the era of advertising logos. Would we end up with a thistle in Scotland?

    2. Maybe a thistle, but the Lion Rampant is already a very striking image, which of course it had to be to be visible on a battlefield. I guess Canada is just lucky that cooler heads prevailed, afterall, this was designed in the mid-sixties, imagine what could have been!

  3. A quick Google finds there were some corkers:

    1. I love the three-headed goose!

    2. Who wouldn't? Apart from the flag voting panel.

  4. Thanks for the shout-out, Craig. Canada... that place that's in the Commonwealth, yet neither the Doctor nor James Bond has ever officially visited.
