Sunday, 27 December 2020

Sunday adventure hook New Year Special: Ring In The New

Looking forward to a video call Hogmanay, and having seen many a video call interview, game session, and the Zoom-based film Host, the result was, perhaps, inevitable...

Ring In The New

The travellers are separated and stuck on a video call, with the Stranger trying to locate them through the signal, several friends and family members involved, and what is going on in the background of every caller’s window...?

“They’re right, this is like a séance. Except not as reliable.”

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Sunday adventure hook Christmas Special: Gift Of The Magi

With a New Year special on the way, we shall have our Christmas here. With the prior importance of Christmas specials I do go on about it, and on the general blog as well, and could probably do a whole series by now (the Twelve Specials Of Christmas?) but never mind...

Gift Of The Magi

The Door opens onto a street in medieval Baghdad and the travellers soon find themselves drawing the attention of a group of astronomers, whose leader has spotted a celestial event and believes that something strange and dangerous is on its way and the Stranger is involved.

“Of course I’m involved now! You changed the result by observing it!”

Friday, 18 December 2020

An adventure by Russell T Davies

As part of tonight’s tweetalong of The Runaway Bride, Russell T Davies included some of his script including bits cut for time and CG budget. And also...

HERE IT IS. In preparation for today’s tweetalong, I went through some old papers to find the script and found… the VERY FIRST DOCTOR WHO SCRIPT I ever wrote!! On a manual typewriter! In 1985! 1986? Sixth Doctor and Mel!

Mind Of The Hodiac
by Russell T Davies

A financial empire controlled by someone who has lived far beyond his lifespan. A devoted servant. Ruthless stockbrokers - space yuppies. And a need for the Doctor.

“It does no harm to keep in touch with a little magic.”

Six pages out of sixty-two for the first episode, not enough to reverse-engineer an entire plot, but a good taste of the villains of the piece...

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Sunday adventure hook: Those Old Familiar Faces

Inspired by Freaky, Doctor Who has done some body-swapping episodes now and then, but never, as far as I know...

Those Old Familiar Faces

Investigating an alien artefact, the Stranger is struck by a flash of artron energy and wakes to find herself in a previous incarnation.

On the day they die.

“Oh, this can’t be good. How did I die this time? It’s on the tip of my tongue...”

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Sunday adventure hook: Of Two Minds

With the biggest TTRPG-based computer game ever coming out this week, stealing the main plot hook from it... with a back reference to an earlier example in 2000 A.D. and stealing a bit of D.O.A. as well...

Of Two Minds

Memory recording technology in the nearish future allows knowledge and even personality to survive physical death - as one of the travellers discovers upon accidentally downloading a murder victim’s mind. Now the group have a little over a day to solve the crime before his brain overloads.

“And we still don’t have flying cars?”

Thursday, 3 December 2020

DALEKS! episode four

DALEKS! 04: The Deadly Ally

Which is a better use of Deadly in a story or episode title than The Deadly Assassin.