This year the frequently Whovian
Eurovision Song Contest was called off and despite being an international call-in thing anyway they decided to go with a no-contest unity show of everything. So as per usual, snarking and looking for plots in the videos.
France: End of episode theme for a superhero show when one of the team dies.
Czech Republic: Okay, this was shot at End Of The Line.
Armenia: This seems familiar from somewhere...
Italy: Blade Runner 2049 wasn't that good...
No, put the 1970s back where you found them.
Denmark: Well, that was a Eurovision song.
Estonia: New minimalist TARDIS control room.
Romania: Don't listen to the sirens!
Azerbaijan: Burning Man was on after all?
Albania: I'm pretty sure Skyfall already has a theme song.
Greece: Okay, really trying to get the CW's attention.
Portugal: I got nothing.
Moldova: Did she murder the photographer?
Malta: Parkour? In this economy?
Serbia: If we lose the Pussycat Dolls we have a spare?
Poland: And another Bond theme.
San Marino: I said put the 70s down!
North Macedonia: Sudden outbreak of ballet in the pub.
Iceland: Presenting the 14th Doctor.
Finland: Activate Cerebro!
Sweden: Life, oh life...
Cyprus: Nice use of that True Detective superimpose-on-a-figure thing.
Slovenia: Trailer for a fantasy trilogy you've never heard of.
Bulgaria: "No she's not doing Billie Eilish!" - most comments
Ireland: Uplifting rejecting clique at end of high school comedy.
Austria: Behind the scenes at Anonymous.
Israel: Parachute pants?!
The Netherlands: You and me both, mate.
Switzerland: Sad black and white version of The Only Exception.
Latvia: Can we have Latvia and Armenia fight?
Georgia: Cultural appropriation is a terrible thing, rock song in English states.
Germany: Who let this kid into the rave?
Belarus: Be seeing you.
Lithuania: ... man what
Croatia: Correction.
That's a Eurovision song.
UK: The Ritual, part 2.
Ukraine: Finally, some vampires! Bonus Doof Warrior.
Spain: That glitter's going to get everywhere!
Belgium: Portishead: The Next Generation
Norway: Also a Eurovision song.
So fewer monsters than some years, more Bond themes, and as always several sets looking like TARDIS consoles but not many Doctor Who plots.
Although the sirens could work, and maybe the sudden outbreak of dancing if that isn't too Once More with Feeling.